Saturday, May 7, 2011

A propos de moi

Hi, I'm Sass.  I'm American, but my post titles will always be in French.  Because I'm that absolutely incredible.

If I were any animal I think I’d end up being something awesome, like a uniliger. That’s right, a uniliger. Something like this:

If I could live anywhere I’d probably live somewhere that nobody knows me. Like Utopia, because if it’s truly Utopian, for me anyway, my idea of perfection would include ice cream snowstorms, talking eagles and nobody knowing me. Talking eagles are freakin’ magnificent. Or if not Utopia, the Bermuda Triangle. Not only would nobody know ME, others there probably wouldn’t even know themselves, and everyone outside of the Triangle wouldn’t even be able to find me.

My favorite number is 5.

My favorite color ends in “ue.” Guess what it is?

My favorite word is PAMPLEMOUSSE.

I love pie.

And cookies.

And chocolate.

OK I lost track of things, now I just want chocolate. Ask me questions and I’ll answer them or something.


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